About Us Deep Roots

Deep Roots

In Portsmouth

Black History Month has always been an important celebration in Portsmouth, where African Americans have made significant contributions throughout the region’s history. From local military heroes William Flora and Lieutenant General Alonzo E. Short, Jr, to marine entrepreneurs like John Mallory Phillips and Donald Mills, Black workers have always been breaking boundaries and making history in Hampton Roads.

Woman smiling


Not Just One Month.

The City of Portsmouth Museums has made continuing this tradition part of its mission, with a commitment to educate everyone of the accomplishments that African Americans in Portsmouth have achieved, the hardships some endured, and the continuing contributions still made for our city, state, and great nation.

Black History Now

So important are these contributions in Portsmouth that the City has dedicated itself to presenting “Black History Now” programming. These special events offer an amazing lineup of activities, workshops, guided discussions, scholar presentations and much more, and will better educate everyone about the great contributions African Americans have made throughout history.

Young girl


Perseverance &

Portsmouth Riverfront


A History of
Black Labor

Forged in Hampton Roads:

This exhibit delves into the struggles and triumphs of the African American workers who built and sustained Hampton Roads, from the colonial era through the present

Photo Sources:
1.) Mississippi Delta, on Mississippi Highway No. 1 between Greenville and Clarksdale. Negro Laborer’s Family Being Moved from Arkansas to Mississippi by White Tenant, c. 1938 (Courtesy of the New York Public Library) 2.) Local Farmer Thelonius Cook Poses for a Photo, c. 2024 (Courtesy of Thelonius Cook) 3.) The Public Gaol in Williamsburg, Virginia, c. 2024 (Courtesy of Ron Cogswell) 4.) Striking Memphis Sanitation Workers March By National Guardsmen, c. 1968 (Courtesy of the University of Memphis Special Collections)